I started writing blogs for my small online shop in 2017 as a way to drive traffic to the website. Back then, a co-worker suggested incorporating a blog on the main page to help with SEO ranking. At first, I didn’t fully understand the benefits of blogs for business and didn’t know how blogging can help generate awareness, traffic, and trust. I relied heavily on paid ads to drive traffic, yet ads didn’t help create sales. The featured brands were unknown with a high price tag. I needed to create content to help educate prospects about the brands and establish credibility. This effort didn’t help much with driving sales after all, and after two years, I decided to shut down the business. There were fundamental reasons that contributed to the decision which I can share in a later blog.
Last year, I launched Elle Muse using a new business model, a digital journal curating content for mature women. If I had to compare this venture with my previous career journey, blogging has been the best way to market in the digital realm. I learned a number of valuable lessons during my first year of blogging which I previously shared here. Writing business blogs is an important online marketing strategy to help grow your business. Here are some of the biggest reasons why I think a business should start blogging immediately.

Attract audience
Every SEO expert will say that blogging helps a business reach a new audience by improving SEO ranking. But this isn’t the only reason why it helps attract audience. It’s the content that an audience is interested in and the way you present it. One can create a blog that contains all relevant keywords, yet if the content does not offer value, the audience will not be attracted to your blog. A blog should consist of new information, and provide reviews and analysis that is meaningful to attract prospects.
Generate trustworthiness
A blog is one way to help a business build credibility and trust with your target. If you have a new product or a new service, you should start by creating trustworthiness and building a solid reputation with your client before a sale can happen. A blog is the voice of your business that can speak of the values and benefits that can help improve your prospect’s life. The more advice you share via blogging, the greater credibility you build with your audience.
Educate your prospects
It is hard to achieve an online sale if your prospect doesn’t know much about your business (product, brand, or service). Visiting an online store is like walking into an empty store or office. The prospect walks in but won’t be able to ask questions and interact with a salesperson who can interact with a prospect and help close a sale. A blog is your sales expert that can provide the prospect with relevant info, answer anticipated questions, and provide relevant reviews. It’s very important not to underestimate the power of blogging in helping shape the decision-making process for buyers.
Showcase your expertise
Blogs are editorials that help a business demonstrate its knowledge and expertise in its field or industry. It is one of the best ways to build engagement with prospects, that leads to a sale. Why would anyone buy from your business if it cannot demonstrate experience and knowledge? If you have a sports apparel label, your prospects expect you to be a sports expert and lead by example. You should offer them guided knowledge about the sports apparel business, including trends, latest technological achievements in the textile industry, and other relevant content which showcase your competence.

Share on social media and e-newsletter
Most businesses struggle with creating social media and e-newsletter content that will drive engagement and interest. Blogs can evoke curiosity and engagement because they highlight and present answers to trending topics and search terms. I have found that a blog has a higher clickthrough rate on social media and through e-newsletter than a product display. And I attribute this to the fact that blogs tell a story and everyone loves a good story. Besides, people on social medial respond better to a grabbing editorial than a fancy image because they are gravitated towards learning or are curious to find solutions.
If you are want to increase your online presence, or want to launch an online business, then you should seriously consider blogging as part of the marketing strategy.
The benefits of blogs for businesses will help drive awareness and credibility and ultimately generate relevant traffic and growth. If you don’t have resources to create blogs for your online business, you can engage bloggers and writers to help create the content.