Each month, I will highlight my favourite picks of trending things, gadgets, and home decor. Here you’ll be able to shop directly from the retailers knowing that these items have received good reviews, are available online from credible sellers, and can be an excellent gift idea for someone you care about.
This March, my favourites include sunset projection lamps, booz infused jerkies, bathtub trays, and a selection of beauty gadgets. For example:

The sunset lamps are the best trending item for home decor. And yes, I ordered one online and waiting for the order to arrive later this month.
They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! But I say the way to anyone’s heart is this booz infused jerky crate which comes with 8 different jerky flavors.
The tri-leg velvet chair is a wonderful addition to your bedroom or your teen’s room. It’s quite the hit among teens and comes in 4 different colors
Take some time to enjoy watching a Netflix show, read a book, and sip on champaign while immersing your body in a hot bath with this adorable bath-tub tray and a bath-tub pillow.
Here are a few of my fav things.
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